Oslo Plastikkirurgis overlege Dr. A. Kalaaji foreleste på den tredje internasjonale konferransen om brystkirurgi (3rd International Breast Surgery Workshop) i Roma 26. 04 – 27. 04
Oslo Plastikkirurgis overlege Dr. A. Kalaaji foreleste om klinikkens erfaringer med brystfortstørring med eget fett.
Oslo Plastikkirurgi Clinic has since 2008 carried out 38 breast enlargements with fat grafting on patients with hypoplasia mammae, asymmetry and in a few cases with mastopexi. The patients had to fulfill three criteria to become a candidate for surgery: no use of foreign objects, existing fat to be corrected – not just a “donor site”, and a realistic expectation of volume increase of the breasts.