Vår overlege Dr. Amin Kalaaji er invitert som æresmedlem i det relativt nydannede organisasjonen CAPSCO og UKAPS med britiske plastikkirurger.

CAPSCO er en non-profit organisasjon etablert i mars 2020 under Covid19-pandemien.
Grunnleggerne møttes virituelt regelmessegi for å diskutere og etablerte organisasjonen.
Deretter ble det dannet en WhatsApp-gruppe, og estetiske plastikkirurger med lignende
bakgrunn ble oppfordret til å bli med. CAPSCO består i dag av 41 medlemmer.

Vår overlege Dr. Amin Kalaaji er invitert som æresmedlem i det relativt nydannede
organisasjonen CAPSCO og UKAPS med britiske plastikkirurger. CAPSCO står for Consortium
of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Clinic Owners.

Les referanser til kirurg og klinikk her: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1HZCZulNiren9s4oAUPwrqG9TM-OF3S4&ll=68.91838486507834%2C31.856101518057137&z=3

UKAAPS-CAPSCO – Shaping Aesthetic Business Practices
capsco.co.ukEt bilde som inneholder silhuetter, natthimmel

Automatisk generert beskrivelse


Mr. Amin Kalaaji


0256 Oslo Norway










Dr AMIN KALAAJI, MD, PHD is a board certified plastic surgeon, medical director, consultant at Oslo Plastikkirurgi Clinic since 20 years www.osloplastikkirurgi.com and president of the Norwegian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (2018-2020).

His current focus is on aesthetic breast surgery and body contouring, including aesthetic breast augmentation with fat grafting, inverted nipples, female intimate rejuvenation surgery, gluteal augmentation with fat. In addition: rhinoplasty, and quality of life (QoL) after aesthetic surgery.

Dr. Kalaaji has published many peer-reviewed scientific papers and has presented more than 400 lectures, global courses, and invited-speaker lectures in plastic and aesthetic surgery worldwide, such as for ASAPS, ISAPS, ISPRES, IMCAS, and many national and international aesthetic surgery meetings.

He is Editor-in-Chief on the newly published 2-volume book:

Plastic and Aesthetic Regenerative Surgery and Fat Grafting: Clinical Application and Operative Techniques. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77455-4. Springer.

He currently serves on the editorial board for the Aesthetic Surgery Journal and had hold/holding key educational and administrative positions in the world major aesthetic societies as ASAPS, ISAPS, ISPRES, in addition to organizing meeting for these societies. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-77455-4#affiliations
