Belly liposuction
Removal of fat deposits around the abdomen through liposuction is the easiest area to remove fat deposits on the body. Liposuction, also known as liposculpture, is a method in which fat deposits are removed using a cannula, laser, ultrasound or machine. The method we use at Oslo Plastikk involves a cannula and small openings in the skin. A local anesthetic mixture is first injected and then the fat is sucked out. We use Micro air (PAAL) Vibration machine which is an effective method to distribute the pressure evenly in the tissue.
The result is a reduction in fat deposits around the abdomen. One issue that often arises is loose skin after treatment. This is usually avoided as the surgeon will assess this before performing the procedure. This is solved by removing the skin after the fat has been removed during the procedure.
Abdominal liposuction is a safe and effective method of correcting body shape. Abdominal liposuction should not be confused with bariatric surgery. Liposuction is mainly suitable for improving the figure of people of normal weight.
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The doctor in charge is Dr. Amin Kalaaji, senior consultant dr.med, specialist in plastic surgery and head of the clinic at Oslo Plastikkirurgi, and head of the Norwegian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (NFEP) 2018-2020.
Dr. Kalaaji holds many positions and gives lectures and training around the world. This benefits all our patients as he is always up to date on the latest and most advanced treatments and surgical techniques.
Patient safety, high quality and individual treatment are always our top priorities at Oslo Plastikkirurgi.