Oslo Plastic Surgery's chief physician Dr. Kalaaji participated as a guest lecturer at the 1st Annual Congress of the Moroccan Society of Esthetic Plastic Surgeons 28-29 September 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco.

He lectured on the following topics:

1. How to ensure patient safety during combined interventions (several interventions in the same session) its challenges and limitations. In addition, he went through how best to alleviate the post-operative pain, get the patient quickly mobilized and recovered after the operation.

2. Breast augmentation with implants/breast lift with insertion of implants

He presented the results of his own research based on an anonymous survey of women who have undergone breast augmentation with implants versus breast lift with the insertion of implants. He has followed these women for a long time and through the detailed survey found out about their quality of life before and after the operation.

3. He gave a further lecture on breast augmentation with his own fat where he compared the various procedures with pros and cons. He himself has made over 150 surgeries what about fat grafting? Breast .

Many patients just want a little more fullness and do not want breast implants. Fat grafting to the breast feels more natural to many people and is a good substitute for breast implants unless a large increase in volume is desired.

4. Combine insertion of breast implants and transplantation with own fat. (Hybrid Treatment).

Some choose to undergo another so-called (Hybrid treatment). Breast where fat and implants are placed at the same time or fat is placed after the implants have been inserted to increase the volume, improve asymmetry or to increase the volume in certain areas of the chest such as at the bottom or at the cleavage. It can also be used to camouflage so-called rippling, which can occur in very slim women who have little fat under the skin. An alternative may then be to transplant fat in addition.

5. Buttock enlargement with own fat

Dr. Kalaaji reviewed the history of buttock augmentation (BBL) and addressed the internationally reported complications that have occurred following such procedures. Especially the serious complications that can arise if the procedure is not done correctly. He talked about Oslo Plastikkirurgi's long experience with BBL.

He has long gone out nationally and internationally and warned against injecting the fat inside the muscle or under the muscle. He has given lectures and training on what precautions must be taken before a BBL surgery and which methods provide a safe and secure result for the patient. He has specified the importance of a thorough patient examination before deciding whether the patient is a good candidate for such a procedure. He lectured on the way in which the fat should be extracted and treated before it is properly inserted under the skin and the importance of not inserting too much fat as this can have consequences for the patient.