Jeg er veldig glad for å kunngjøre at boken vår:
Plastisk- og estetisk regenerativ kirurgi og fettransplantasjon: klinisk bruk og operasjonsteknikker. Ansvarlig redaktør. Amin Kalaaji. Publisert av Springer Nature – er endelig publisert. (Se vedlagte flyer).
Denne boken – med sine 117 kapitler (9 av dem mine), omtrent 1625 pedagogiske figurer og 131 videoklipp – representert med ekspertisen til 242 forfattere, inkludert 72 kvinnelige kolleger, fra 31 land, 81 byer og 5 kontinenter.
I denne forbindelse vil jeg invitere dere alle til en “Global Virtual Book Release”-arrangement for boken.
I am very pleased to announce that our book:
Plastic and Aesthetic Regenerative Surgery and Fat Grafting: Clinical Application and Operative Techniques. Editor-in-chief. Amin Kalaaji. Published by Springer Nature is finally published. (Kindly see the attached flyer).
This book—with its 117 chapters (9 of them mine), approximately 1625 educational figures, and 131 videoclips—proudly represents the knowledge and expertise of 242 authors, including 72 female colleagues, from 31 countries, 81 cities, and 5 continents.
In this regard I want to invite you all for a “Global Virtual Book Release” event for the book.
The book release event will be held at Zoom on Saturday 11th of June from 16:00 to 18:00 CEST (Oslo-Rome-Paris time).
Los Angeles, USA 07:00 (PDT)
New York, USA 10:00 (EDT)
Sao Paulo, Brazil 11:00 (BRT)
London, UK 15:00 (BST)
Oslo, Norway 16:00 (CEST)
Cairo, Egypt 16:00 (EET)
Cape Town, South Africa 16:00 (SAST)
Istanbul, Turkey 17:00 (TRT)
New Delhi 19:30 (IST)
Taipei, Taiwan 22:00
Tokyo, Japan 23:00 (JST)
Sydney, Australia 00:00 (AEST)
The webinar is free of charge. Kindly spread the words and I hope to see you there.
Registration is open: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_acN30hpaQlaKsY1FToZrdw
A full program of the webinar will follow soon.
All the best wishes from a happy me
Amin Kalaaji, MD, PhD, Norway
Plastic and Aesthetic Regenerative Surgery and Fat Grafting: Clinical Application and Operative Techniques
Springer Nature