Oslo Plastikkirurgi presenterer sin forskning om ”livskvalitet etter brystforstørrelse med implantater” på Island 10. Juni 2010. Nordisk plastikkirurgisk forenings møte.
Results from surgical interventions are traditionally based on morbidity and mortality. There are, however, other aspects that are important to clarify. Quality of life among women who underwent breast implant procedure is a growing research area, though still there are few studies available. Especially the relation to depression and the effect of the treatment on daily activity, participation in work activity and the overall results evaluated freely by women themselves are less clarified themes that should be focused on.
Therefore we wanted to investigate life quality aspects in women that have been through breast enlargement with implant. The study was designed to eliminate bias through several principles such as guaranteed anonymity where patients could express freely their opinion about results, no industrial sponsoring the study and the use of a complete neutral 5 degree scale for answerers which ranges from very dissatisfied to very satisfied and no change in the middle of the scale…