Oslo Plastic Surgery, 0256 Oslo

Introduction: For many years, fat transplantation has been a well-known and proven clinical method for filling small defects. The attention linked to this technique has increased in recent years for use on the face and elsewhere Breast reconstruction. In some cases, breast fat was used for hypoplasia mammae as an alternative to breast implants.

Patients: Since October 2008, Oslo Plastic Surgery has carried out 17 breast augmentations using own fat tissue on patients with hypoplasia mammae, asymmetry and in a few cases with breast lifts. The patients had to fulfill certain criteria to be candidates for this type of surgery:

- Strong desire for breast augmentation without the use of foreign bodies.

– Sufficient amounts of fat at one or more donor sites; areas the patient originally wanted to correct and not just use as a donor site.

- A realistic idea of volume increase of the breasts.

Method: The operations were carried out under sedation and local anaesthetic. The fat was most often taken from the stomach, waist, thighs, seat or knees. The fat is centrifuged for 3 minutes at 3,000 revolutions per minute. The fat was injected in intersecting and parallel channels above the fascia below the mammary gland, through small incisions using Coleman's injection needles. A loose bra was used that does not press on the top or on the inside of the breasts.

Result: No infection or bleeding has been reported. 

Gjennomsnittlig oppfølgingstid var på 10,5 mnd. (6-22). Gjennomsnittlig fett tatt ut: 787 ml (500-1320). Gjennomsnittlig injisert fett i venstre bryst: 219 ml (150-290), høyre bryst: 221 ml (155-290). Resorpsjonen av fett var som forventet å bli ca 40 {54b116087a6f74e83971d02c04db3cc13141fd9ff760a1e389c9721123fe5531}, men for 3 av pasientene var resorpsjonen større enn 70{54b116087a6f74e83971d02c04db3cc13141fd9ff760a1e389c9721123fe5531}. Pasientene ble derfor tilbudt ny injeksjon innen ett år. To av pasientene valgte i stedet å sette inn brystproteser fordi det ikke var tilstrekkelig med donor- fett og fordi ønske om samme type operasjon ikke var tilstede.

Discussion: Most people have been very positive about the procedure. Advantages are natural feeling, better volume in the upper pole, in case of asymmetry and to the inside of the chest. In addition, there is no risk of capsule formation, and the patient has unwanted fat corrected. However, not everyone has achieved the desired breast volume. The method is still in the establishment phase. It is difficult to measure residual fat and some patients have unrealistic expectations due to large breast volume immediately after the operation. It is still uncertain how big an impact factors such as centrifugation, local anesthetic and amount of injected fat have on the result. The method must be reserved for those who only want a moderate increase in breast volume and have fat in places where there is a need for correction.

Conclusion: Provided you find patients with the right indications, this method is a good alternative to breast augmentation. Before final conclusions can be drawn, a longer follow-up period and the completion of several comparison studies are necessary.

Read more at (abstract no. 19)