How to find us

We recommend Google Map and Ruterapp as Oslo is undergoing major changes in both the road network and public transport and deviations from our description may therefore occur.

Oslo Plastikkirurgi is located at Inkognitogaten 34, 0256 Oslo, just behind the Royal Palace at Solli Plass.

It is possible to park in the Inkognito P-Plass house, as well as a small outdoor parking lot in the street, and Solli P-house located at Solli plass, Henrik Ibsens gate (gamle Drammensveien) 30.


West from the E18: Exit at Bygdøy/Frogner (Bygdøylokket). Drive Bygdøy Allé to Solli Plass - keep left at the roundabout - continue to the next roundabout - keep left at this roundabout, follow Henrik Ibsen gate (old Drammensveien back) - take the first road to the right and you are in Inkognitogaten.

From E6: Take the Oslo tunnel and turn west inside the tunnel. Turn left at the first traffic light - drive straight ahead - about 500 m - to the first roundabout - the American Embassy is now on the right. Keep left at the roundabout - you are now on Henrik Ibsens gate (old Drammensveien) - take the first right and you are in Inkognitogaten.

Via Trondheimsveien: Drive ring 2 from Carl Berners Plass to Majorstuakrysset. Turn left at the traffic lights and follow Bogstadveien/Hegdehaugsveien - turn right - you are now in Parkveien - follow this to Colbjørnsensgate (side street to the right) - the first crossing street is Inkognitogaten - the clinic is down to the left - park in the side streets.


Take bus no. 30 or 31 to the nearest stop. You are now in Henrik Ibsens gate (Gamle Drammensveien) - walk back in the direction of the city center - take the first street to the left and you are in Inkognitogaten. Alternatively, you can take the bus to Nationaltheatret - walk up Henrik Ibsens gate (Gamle Drammensveien) - you have Slottsparken on your right - cross Parkveien - the next road on the right is Inkognitogaten.


Take tram no. 11, which stops right outside the clinic, or 12 or 13 to Solli Plass. You are now in Henrik Ibsens gate (old Drammensveien) - go back in the direction of the city center - take the first left and you are in Inkognitogaten.


Take the train to Nationaltheatret - walk up Henrik Ibsens gate (old Drammensveien) - pass Slottsparken, which you have on your right - cross Parkveien - continue straight ahead - take the next road to the right and you are in Inkognitogaten. If you are disembarking, follow the signs at the exit: Parkveien/Henrik Ibsens gate (old Drammensveien).


To Nationaltheatret station - walk up Henrik Ibsens gate (old Drammensveien) - pass Slottsparken, which is on your right - cross Parkveien - continue straight ahead - take the next right and you are in Inkognitogaten. If you are disembarking, follow the signs at the exit: Parkveien/Henrik Ibsens gate (old Drammensveien).


From Gardermoen, the easiest and fastest way is to take the airport train to Oslo. The train stops at Nationaltheatret station, follow the signs at the exit: Parkveien/Henrik Ibsens gate (old Drammensveien). cross Parkveien - continue straight ahead - take the next right and you are at Inkognitogaten 34 (about 2 minutes from the exit). Alternatively, take the airport bus (this option takes longer) to Majorstuen and from there tram no. 11 to Inkognitogaten or to Oslo bus terminal and tram further to Inkognitogaten (see also info under bus).

Opportunities for accommodation:

If you live far from the clinic, we recommend that you stay overnight in Oslo, either with family/friends or at a hotel.

Hotels close to Oslo Plastic Surgery;

Frogner House Apartments, Bygdøy Allé 53.
Website: (we have an agreement with Frogner House Apartments) inform about us when booking a room.

Hotel Gabels Hus in Gabelsgate 16.

Ask for guidance and advice

We can give you the best advice face to face. We will guide you to the best solution for you.