Nipple reduction is predicted to be a major trend in 2017

The clinic's chief physician Dr. Amin Kalaaji was interviewed by regarding the American trend of nipple reduction. During the interview, he shares his experience of the demand for this type of surgery in Norway, highlights important aspects and mentions what to think about if you are considering this.

"Basically, it has to do with the proportions of the different parts of the breast, such as the size of the breast, sagging and the diameter of the areola. Asymmetry, i.e. inequality between the sides, can be one of the reasons. It is important to specify that this does not apply to the nipple or nipple itself, but to the brown area around it - the areola or mamilla. This area has, among other things, an intimate significance for both genders, and I believe that the smallest size does not mean the best," says Amin.

Amin Kalaaji says that it's important to remember that the surgery leaves scars , and that it's important to always consider the pros and cons. "You also have to be careful with all procedures that are about designing. That's where the danger lies; you have to look at your own needs. If you feel a need, you can make an assessment."

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