Oslo Plastic Surgery's senior consultant, Dr. Kalaaji has guest lectured at "SFEP's Sixth Scandinavian Aesthetic Surgery Meeting" in Karlstad, Sweden August 22-24, 2014. Arr SFEP ('Svensk Förening för Estetisk Plastikkirurgi, SFEP, Swedish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery')

Dr. Kalaaji lectured on breast augmentation with own fat
More than 150 women have received this type of treatment at Oslo Plastic Surgery for various reasons. Since the fall of 2008, Oslo Plastic Surgery has performed breast augmentation with own fat tissue. We created this service as a good alternative to breast augmentation. As a result, Oslo Plastic Surgery has a long follow-up period of patients who have undergone this procedure, which shows that they are very satisfied and that the volume of the breasts has remained stable (published in "Body Language journal" and in Kirurgen-4-2015-kalaaji-5900).

Fat grafting from your own body is a well-established clinical method that has been around for many years. Although small fat fillings for minor breast defects have been performed in the past, it is only recently that autologous fat has started to be used to recreate a completely new breast after cancer or for cosmetic reasons.