He gave three lectures at this annual congress. 

1- Breast augmentation with his own fat, where he compared the various procedures with their advantages and disadvantages. He has performed over 122 breast fat grafting operations himself. 

Many patients just want a little more fullness and do not want breast implants. Fat grafting to the breast feels more natural to many people and is a good substitute for breast implants unless a large increase in volume is desired. 

2-Buttock augmentation with autologous fat. He reviewed the history of autologous buttock augmentation and discussed the internationally reported complications that have occurred after such procedures. He spoke about his long experience with this procedure. He explained the importance of a thorough patient safety assessment prior to such a procedure and his own experience with all the procedures he has performed regarding autologous buttock augmentation. 

3-Fat grafting to the breast for patients who already have implants inserted but want more fullness in certain areas. Others want to remove the implants and then insert fat for the breast. This may be because the implants have encapsulated themselves or because a more natural result is desired. 

Some people want to insert breast implants in combination with fat in the same session. A so-called hybrid treatment. This is to achieve a nice, even shape to the breasts if you lack volume in certain areas. 

4-He also participated as chairman (moderator) during a lecture on fat grafting to the buttocks, which he himself has years of experience with.Â