Dr. Kalaaji, senior physician at Oslo Plastic Surgery, was invited as a guest lecturer and faculty member at the renowned BBB

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Dr. Kalaaji, senior physician at Oslo Plastic Surgery, was invited as a guest lecturer and faculty member at the renowned BBB (Botti's Best Breast) Villa Bella Clinic course in Gardone riviera, Italy 25.05-27.05.18 where he participated together with some of the world's most famous plastic surgeons within aesthetic breast surgery.

He gave a lecture on the subject of breast augmentation with own fat tissue, where he compared the various procedures with pros and cons. Oslo Plastic Surgery has so far performed 151 surgeries what about fat grafting? Breast .

Some patients only want a little more fullness and do not want breast implants inserted. Fat transplantation to Breast feels more natural for many and is a good substitute for breast implants if you do not want a large increase in volume. Patients who have abnormal breast shape, such as tuberous Breast will this method be a good alternative.

Some people already have implants, but want to get more fullness in their breasts without having to change to larger implants.

Other women have inserted breast implants which they now wish to remove completely and instead insert fat to replace the missing volume. Patients who experience capsule formation and who initially want to remove the prostheses can also benefit from this operation. (Conversion processing).

Some choose to undergo another so-called (Hybrid treatment). Breast where fat and implants are placed at the same time or fat is placed after the implants have been inserted to increase the volume, improve asymmetry or to increase the volume in certain areas of the chest such as at the bottom or at the cleavage. It can also be used to camouflage so-called rippling, which can occur in very slim women who have little fat under the skin. An alternative may then be to transplant fat.

He also participated in the panel together with the world's most prominent plastic surgeons in the field of breast surgery, where they discussed their experiences regarding fat transplantation to Breast . Dr. Kalaaji shared his well-established methods in aesthetic breast augmentation.