More and more people are choosing thread lifts to tighten the skin on the face, neck, jawline, eyebrows, nose tip, nostrils and forehead. This is a simple and gentle procedure under local anesthesia that does not involve convalescence after surgery. It uses surgical threads with small knots and barbs that allow it to pull the skin in one direction to the desired effect. When the threads [...].

Dr. Kalaaji attended AMWC 2020

Our clinic manager Dr. Kalaaji attended AMWC 2020 18th aesthetic and anti aging medicineworld congress on 07.11.20. This was held as a webinar due to the Corona time we live in.Dr. Kalaaji was a chearman and also held a two-hour session on BBL, buttock augmentation with fat. He lectured on his experiences and methods.There was also [...].

Speaker participation

Oslo Plastic Surgery's senior consultant participated as a speaker at the ASPS of ISPRES webinar organized in Chicago on 07.11.20. He gave a lecture on BBL (Buttock augmentation with own fat) and the best technique and results for fat extraction. This was illustrated by before and after pictures and a visual display from the operating room. The webinar was attended by renowned plastic surgeons from around the world.

More and more people are doing this

Removing breast implants has become a growing trend that more and more people are doing. Clinic manager and plastic surgeon Dr. Kalaaji explains this in the video "More and more people are doing this" by VGTV. He also says that there are primarily three reasons why this is being done: ALCL, breast implant illness or that it is thought that the implants have done [...].

Breast implant illness. Is this real?

breast implant

Breast implant illness. Is this real? Recently, new information has emerged about a connection between breast implants and many different symptoms that occurred in some patients after the insertion of breast implants. Senior consultant Dr. med at Oslo Plastic Surgery Dr. Amin Kalaaji was interviewed in connection with the case by KK. Read the case here: Reminds of [...]

Consultant Dr. Kalaaji was the first speaker and lecturer at the international webinar.

In these corona times, webinar meetings have taken over for the physical congresses and Oslo Plastic Surgery by Dr. Kalaaji actively participates in these meetings that maintain a high international level. For Oslo Plastic Surgery, it is very important to keep up to date with the latest developments in aesthetic/cosmetic surgery and contribute with our internationally recognized [...].

Can mammography give a false sense of security?

Experts have told Dagbladet that those with inserted breast implants need other types of cancer examinations than mammography. Oslo Plastic Surgery's Dr. Kalaaji was interviewed about his views on this: See the article here: link Norwegian women are among the world's most satisfied with their breasts


Norwegian women are at the top of the world when it comes to being satisfied with their breasts, writes KK. According to a survey conducted at a university in England, 44% of Norwegian women surveyed were satisfied with the size of their breasts. Oslo Plastic Surgery was interviewed by KK and reported that breast surgery tops the list of [...].