Face and Body Surgery congress, June 18 & 19, 2021

Oslo Plastic Surgery constantly receives invitations to give lectures at congresses around the world. With today's technology, it is possible to attend several congresses in different locations on the same day. Senior consultant Dr. Kalaaji had no less than three lectures on the same day. SPB Aesthetic Congress 2021 in St. Petersburg, then the Face and Body Surgery congress in London and finally the Sixth World Congress of plastic surgeons of Lebanese Descent (WCPSLD) in Washington.

A 2-day virtual conference in London, which brought together a number of professionals who shared their knowledge. From Oslo Plastic Surgery, Dr. Kalaaji participated, lecturing on new trends in Breast augmentation, "New frontiers in fat transfer." There is growing interest in this type of procedure, and more people are choosing breast augmentation with their own fat instead of implants, or alternatively using so-called hybrid treatment with both implants and fat.Â