Dr. Kalaaji, overlege ved Oslo Plastikkirurgi ble beæret med Certificate of Advanced Education in Cosmetic Surgery utdelt av anerkjente ASAPS (American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) for sin mangeårige innsats som foreleser og sitt engasjement innen videreutdanning i kosmetisk kirurgi.
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery «Certificate of Advanced Education in Cosmetic Surgery» is designed to recognize members who demonstrate an exceptional level of commitment to their continuing education in cosmetic plastic surgery. The requirements for the certificate are fulfilled by earning 150 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits in cosmetic surgery over a three-year period. The certificate is reissued every three years based on the surgeon’s ongoing fulfillment of these continuing education requirements.
Congratulations to the following ASAPS members who have earned the «Certificate of Advanced Education in Cosmetic Surgery.»